vendredi 29 juin 2018

Creating web form for achriving and exporting

I lack the terminology for what I search for so I will explain, I have a form on excel with questions.(audit) I would like this in a web site that I can use regularly and share the data much easier. I started an form site with visual studio but if there are templates available please point me in the right direction. As far as the type of site, I have a mysequal server set up for the form data to test but is storing locally better? I also would like to export the form to share, store it on an intranet.. I'm trying to learn as much as I can and I appreciate any help pointing me in the right direction. Am I doing this right or are there templates for what I need to save time? I plan on storing the data by location, giving user access to provide action plans and retrieve the non compliant items only. I really would like to learn and do this as much as I can but like I said, I do a search for what I think I want and I get nothing related or similar to that. In a nutshell I want to open my form, give it a name(the location I audit) fill out the audit data, save it, and provide user accesss to retrieve and answer the items. I assume form site is the right approach?

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