lundi 27 novembre 2017

SVG animation waits for DOMLoad event, timelineBegin="onStart" is not working?

As explained in this page svg animation timeline starts with DOMLoad event has been triggered. But u can change it to svg's load by timelineBegin="onStart".

I want to use svg as a preloaded and it should start animation immidately. Why my animation still waits for DOMLoad event:

<svg id="map" version="1.2" width="100%" viewbox="-2 -2 506.3302 339.85639" xmlns:svg="" timelineBegin="onStart">
        <radialgradient id="grad1" cx="0.65" cy="0.78" r="0.08" rx="0.5" ry="1">
            <stop offset="0.8" style="stop-color: #1a1a1a; stop-opacity:1"></stop>
            <stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,255,255);stop-opacity:1"></stop>
            <animate id="map-animation" attributeName="r" dur="2500ms" from="0.08" to="1.2" fill="freeze"/>
    <path id="map" fill="url(#grad1)" d="m733.83-66.9...>

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