jeudi 30 mars 2017

Update web api record with knockout.js

I have this method in controller:

// PUT: api/Books/5
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PutBook(int id, Book book)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);

            if (id != book.Id)
                return BadRequest();

            db.Entry(book).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!BookExists(id))
                    return NotFound();

            return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);

I have this method in Knockout.js

self.PutBook = function (item, book) {
        ajaxHelper(booksUri + item.Id, 'PUT').done(function (item) {
            self.books.put(item, book);


I want to update record with values that are entered in frontend input fields. What is missing in knockout.js? I'm not able to solve it.

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