Up until recently my web application was working fine. Then when I try visiting the site im getting a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error. Nothing has changed with the site and this has been working for several years without issue. I have checked with the hosting company to confirm nothing has automatically updated such as the PHP version etc. When I look at the error logs this states an issue with line 161 below.
if( ! $session->contains('waste_uuid') or ! $session->contains('waste_pwd') )
Why all of a sudden would the site just stop working? Im perplexed as nothing has changed. The code has remained the same. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
I have tried clearing down all the logs, clearing the caches etc thinking this may be causing the issue however no luck.
Full Code block I believe is affected
static protected function installCredentials()
$session = &self::$registry->session();
$request = &self::$registry->request();
$output = &self::$registry->output();
$db = self::$registry->db();
if( ! $session->contains('waste_uuid') or ! $session->contains('waste_pwd') )
//if( ! strcasecmp($request['app'], 'account') and ! strcasecmp//($request['module'], 'login') )
//return ;
$session_uuid = $session['waste_uuid'];
$session_pass = $session['waste_pwd'];
$credentials = $db->scalar(array (
'select' => '*',
'from' => 'users',
'where' => '`id` = ? and `password` = ?',
'params' => array( $session_uuid, $session_pass )
if( ! $credentials || $credentials['disabled'] == '1' )
if( ! strcasecmp($request['app'], 'account') and ! strcasecmp($request['module'], 'login') )
return ;
$kick = $db->scalar(array (
'select' => 'kick',
'from' => 'users_online',
'where' => 'user_id = ?',
'params' => array( $credentials['id'] )
if( $kick && $kick['kick'] == '1' )
$statement = $db->prepare('UPDATE `users_online` SET `kick` = ? WHERE `user_id` = ?');
$statement->execute(array( '0', $credentials['id'] ));
if( ! strcasecmp($request['app'], 'account') && ! strcasecmp($request['module'], 'login') )
return ;
$credentials['group'] = $db->scalar(array (
'select' => '*',
'from' => 'groups',
'where' => 'id = ?',
'params' => array( $credentials['group'] )
$credentials['sites'] = $db->all(array (
'select' => 'site_id',
'from' => 'sites_users',
'where' => 'user_id = ? and disabled = ?',
'params' => array( $credentials['id'], '0' )
$user = registry::getClass('user', array( self::$registry ));
self::$registry->output()->atomize(array (
'menu' => array (),
'breadcrumb' => array (),
'title' => array ()
if( $user['opt_messages'] == '1' )
$logger = registry::getClass('logger', array( self::$registry ));
return ;
while (false);
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