使用Flutter的TabBar和TabBarView开发一个可以动态增加tab的页面: (Use Flutter's TabBar and TabBarView to develop a page that can dynamically add tabs:)
class _DemoTabState extends State<DemoTab> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
TabController tabController;
int tabNum = 3;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
int index = tabController?.index ?? 0;
tabController = TabController(length: tabNum, vsync: this, initialIndex: index);
var tabs = List.generate(
(index) => Tab(
text: 'tab' + index.toString(),
var tabPages = List.generate(
(index) => Center(
child: TestPage(index),
var tabBar = TabBar(
tabs: tabs,
controller: tabController,
var tabBarView = TabBarView(
children: tabPages,
controller: tabController,
var result = Scaffold(
appBar: tabBar,
body: tabBarView,
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
child: Icon(Icons.add),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
return result;
当定位在最后一个tab时再增加时,新增的page会加载两次,第一次加载后立刻被dispose,pring: (When it is added when positioned at the last tab, the new page will be loaded twice, and it will be dispose immediately after the first load, print:)
2--testPage--didUpdateWidget 2--testPage--build 3--testPage--initState 3--testPage--didChangeDependencies 3--testPage--build 3--testPage--dispose 3--testPage--initState 3--testPage--didChangeDependencies 3--testPage--build 2--testPage--dispose
当定位在最后一个tab时再增加时,新增的page只加载一次,打印: (When it is added when positioned at the last tab, the newly added page is only loaded once, print:)
1--testPage--didUpdateWidget 1--testPage--build 3--testPage--initState 3--testPage--didChangeDependencies 3--testPage--build 1--testPage--dispose
Live Demo: http://cairuoyu.com/flutter_demo
Code: https://github.com/cairuoyu/flutter_demo/blob/main/lib/demo/demo_tab.dart or
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Is this a Flutter bug, or is there a problem with my writing?