samedi 22 février 2020

Spring redirectAttributes not working in other profiles besides "dev"

I have a controller that is supposed to redirect to another endpoint after processing but it only works when I set the active profile to dev. When the profile is not dev, the controller returns to the login page instead of redirecting to the profile endpoint.

This is my controller

public String completeSignUp(
          @RequestParam final String token, @RequestParam final String userId,
          Model model, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
    LOG.debug("About to complete the sign-up process with token: {} and userId {}", token, userId);
    try {
      InputValidationUtility.validateInputs(getClass(), token, userId, model);
      UserDto userDto = updateUserAndSendConfirmationEmail(token, userId, model, httpServletRequest);
      if (Objects.isNull(userDto) || model.containsAttribute(SignUpControllerConstant.SIGN_UP_ERROR)) {
        model.addAttribute(UserConstant.USER_MODEL_KEY, new UserRequestModel());
        return SignUpControllerConstant.SIGN_UP_VIEW_NAME;
      // automatically authenticate the userDto since there will be a redirection to profile page
      UserUtility.authenticateUser(userService, userDto.getUsername());
      model.addAttribute(SignUpControllerConstant.SIGN_UP_SUCCESS_KEY, true);
      model.addAttribute(USER_REQUEST_MODEL_KEY_NAME, new UserRequestModel());
      redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(ProfileControllerConstant.NEW_PROFILE, true);
      LOG.debug("Redirecting to profile page...");
      return "redirect:/profile";
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error(SignUpControllerConstant.ERROR_CREATING_USER, e);
      model.addAttribute(SignUpControllerConstant.ERROR, SignUpControllerConstant.ERROR_CREATING_USER);
      return SignUpControllerConstant.SIGN_UP_VIEW_NAME;

The profile page requires authentication and has the endpoint /profile.

This code works in "dev" profile

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