mercredi 5 février 2020

connect and android device to a web app that is open in my desktop browser

Ive been looking all over the place to try to figure out a way to send information from a web page that is open on my desktop browser to and android device. I am trying to do this because the web page is like a code interpreter and I want to sent the written code from the web page an android app that I am working on. So the web page is like an IDE and the android app is also an IDE but im making the web app to make typing easier and the user can just send the code to the android app from the web page.

Haha sorry if this seems not well written, ive been up for a while trying to figure this out. I could not get the web Bluetooth to see my android device Nokia 6 web Bluetooth example, web sockets do not seem like the right way to do it. Maybe there is a way to connect through local IP address?

also there cannot be any communication with a server. it has to be from web page client directly to android device

Im not too sure on how to go about this, any advice is greatly appreciated thank you for your time

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