mardi 25 février 2020

Comparing two string and matchScore is always null - JavaScript

I have this function that takes two string and compares them, my problem is that .matchScore is null... I think that I need to edit


but I don't know what should I replace it...

  $(this).on('click', 'compare', function() {
            var temlate1 = AES256_encrypted_public_tmpl;
            var temlate2 = successData.template;
            var apiKey = $("#apikey").val();
            compare(apiKey, temlate1, temlate2);
          var matchscore = successData.matchScore;
          if (matchscore > 60) {
            alert("matchscore:" + matchscore);
            var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(AES256_encrypted, AES256_Public_Key)
          } else {
            alert("matchscore:" + matchscore);
            alert("Invalid Passphrase or File!");
            return false;

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