lundi 24 février 2020

Are email obsfucation techniques still relevant these days? [closed]

I have zeroed in on Stackoverflow questions to see is there any useful info regarding the state of email obfuscation nowadays, but it gave me no useful results. Most of those questions are 8-9 years old.

However, there are plenty old articles in the internet consulting on various email obfuscation techniques against email harvesters.

Examples of those obfuscation techniques include css, php and JavaScript solutions.

Here is an example of how you can obfuscate email using JS errot encryption:

function erot13(s) {
  return (s ? s : this).split("").map(function (_) {
    if (!_.match(/[A-za-z]/)) return _;
    var c = Math.floor(_.charCodeAt(0) / 97);
    var k = (_.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) - 83) % 26 || 26;
    return String.fromCharCode(k + ((c == 0) ? 64 : 96));

function erot13_onload(event) {
  var elements = window.document.querySelectorAll("a[data-erot13]");
  for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) {
    var element = elements[j];
    var email = element.dataset.erot13;
    var overwrite = element.dataset.erot13Overwrite !== undefined;
    if (email !== undefined) {
      element.href = "mailto:" + erot13(email);
      if (overwrite) {
        element.innerHTML = erot13(email);

window.addEventListener("load", erot13_onload);

But are those techniques are of any use today, having in mind that email providers and spam filters got so advanced??? Should I use any email obfuscation technique in my websites?

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