jeudi 2 janvier 2020

Trying to access my website results in an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

I took a break over Christmas from developing a webapp and I have came back today to find that I am unable to access my website in my browser, or connect to it by an FTP Client or ping my website's IP address (Results in Requests Timed Out). My server is hosted on DigitalOcean. Obviously I cannot continue development because I am unable to render my changes or connect in general.


ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT is the chrome error message. Before Christmas everything was working fine, in fact I'm very near completing development.

The issue is the same across browsers, ISPs, mobile networks etc.

What I've tried:

  • Restarting Apache - Apache is running and active
  • Rebooting my server - Rebooted successfully but no changes
  • Checked UFW firewall rules - These haven't changed
  • Pinging my websites IP - Results in timeouts
  • Connecting with numerous FTP Clients (Filezilla, WinSCP etc.) - Results in timeouts
  • It is not a DNS issue - There is no domain name yet, the IP address is being used in this development phase to navigate to the website.


Are there any other suggestions for actions that I can do to try to remedy this? Hacking issue or something else?

I can spin up another server if needs be but I really want to figure out what has actually happened so I can learn from it.

Thanks and Happy New Year.

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