lundi 2 décembre 2019

How handle long press event in react web

everyone! I use react and material ui library. I want to handle click event and long-press event separately. I think problem related to async set state, but for now, I don't know how to handle this events

const [isCommandHandled, setIsCommandHandled] = React.useState(null);
const handleButtonPress = function (e) {
    console.log('ON_MOUSE_DOWN ' + isCommandHandled); // here value null
    buttonPressTimer = setTimeout(handleLongPress, 1500, e);

  const handleLongPress = (e) => {
    if (!isCommandHandled) {
      console.log('TIMER_IS_EXECUTED' + isCommandHandled); //Here value false or null
      // some other logic for long press event

  const handleButtonRelease = function (e) {
    if (!isCommandHandled) {//isCommandHandled isn't updated here, as a result logic is executed always
       // got regular click, not long press
       // specific logic

             onMouseDown={(e) => handleButtonPress(e)}
             onMouseUp={(e) => handleButtonRelease(e)}

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