lundi 30 septembre 2019

Using NNI inside of Google Colaboratory

I am trying to use nni (, a hyperparameter search library, inside of Google colaboratory. This library creates a Web UI to dynamically view the progress of the hyperameter search. The problem is that I can't access this web UI from google colab. Since the experiment isn't started on my local machine but on the google colab server, I know that I can't access it with on the usual "" address; I have thus obtained the IP address of the notebook using Colaboratory virtual instances IP range?, but it still doesn't work ("this site can't be reached").

Has anyone used nni with google colab or has already viewed a web page that is run from a google colab notebook ? I don't know where to start so any hint would be great!

I can give additional details if needed.

Thanks for the help!

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