mardi 22 mai 2018

Js pagination page links don't work

I'm trying to implement a simple pagination project while I got stuck with a search bar issue.

Here's what I've accomplished so far:

  • 10 entries are displayed per one page
  • my script can calculate the total number of page links based on total number of entries(students)
  • I can visit every single page and see its entries (say, page 1: students from 0 to 9... page 3: students from 30 to 39, etc)
  • The search function
  • I deliberately turned off a search by button. It's only available with 'keyup' event listener.

What I failed to implement so far:

When typing a search query: '/15', 2 pages are displayed with according entries. But then if I click on page 2 link, it displays more than 10entries per page(default parameter) and going back to page 1 the same error occurs. I suspect the page links get a wrong value from somewhere else. I tried to debug and it seems as if they're getting the value from $studentList(the whole list of students) but not from the search results that I pass there.

In all, I have 3 functions

function showPage(studentList, pageNum = 1){
  const showPerPage = 10;    
  const calcStart = (pageNum) => pageNum === 1 ? 0 : (pageNum - 1) * showPerPage;
  const start = calcStart(pageNum);
  const end = pageNum * showPerPage;
  $(studentList).slice(start,end).each(function(i, li){

  function appendPageLinks(studentList){
    totalPageNum = Math.ceil(studentList.length / 10);
    const pagination = 'pagination';
    if($('.pagination').length === 0){
        <div class="${pagination}">
    $('.pagination ul').children().remove();
    if (totalPageNum > 1){
        for(let i=0; i<totalPageNum; i++){
            const pageLink = `
                    <a href="#">${i + 1}</a>
            $('.pagination ul').append(pageLink);
    $('.pagination ul li').children().first().addClass('active'); 
        $('.pagination ul').on('click', 'a', function(e){
            const pgNum = parseInt($(;
            showPage(studentList, pgNum);

function searchStudent(element, filter){
    } else {
let num = $('.student-item:not([style*="display: none"])').length;
let searchRes = $('.student-item:not([style*="display: none"])');
num > 0 ? $('.notFound').hide() : $('.notFound').show();
return searchRes;

I think that these event listeners aren't getting the proper values:

$('.student-search input').on('keyup', function(){
const searchQuery = $(this).val();
const searchResults = searchStudent($('.student-list li'), searchQuery.toUpperCase());


As well as this one above

 $('.pagination ul').on('click', 'a', function(e)

Here's a source code on codepen:

If someone could suggest how to fix to have the page links updated properly.

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