so recently I've been working on a web app that collects data from requests and I am trying to output the data into a graph based on frequency per hour/month etc.
So, I'm using Chart.js and have JSON data of dates and I'm trying to make a chart that shows the frequency of requests per hour, etc.
My data is just each request has a time stamp, so all I have is a bunch of time stamps in 2018-01-03 15:15:04
format. for example:
{'2018-01-03 15:15:04', '2018-01-04 06:32:45', '2018-01-04 23:32:45', '2018-02-23 01:24:32'}
except, I have hundreds of them. Just frequency per hour, month, etc is what I want.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? My two thoughts were this:
- Just do the counting and parsing myself and come up with counts per hour and then just throw the data at the chart
- Somehow use their built in functionality for time, which I am still a bit unclear about even after reading the docs.
thanks a ton, everyone!
Here's an example of what I would like: Chart example
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