I have a simple middleware intended to access the application global state for the authentication token validation sake. Here is the code:
use actix_web;
use actix_web::HttpMessage;
pub struct Authenticator;
impl<S> actix_web::middleware::Middleware<S> for Authenticator {
fn start(
request: &mut actix_web::HttpRequest<S>,
) -> actix_web::Result<actix_web::middleware::Started>
//let _state = request.state() as &::application::State;
match request.headers().get("Authentication") {
Some(_) => Ok(actix_web::middleware::Started::Done),
None => Err(::view::error("No authentication header provided", actix_web::http::StatusCode::FORBIDDEN)),
The commented string shows how I tried to get the state. I have tried many ways actually.
What is the best way of doing such stuff?
Before I finished this issue I thought about adding a reference to needed data (e.g. Arc'd RwLock) to the Authenticator structure and constructing it with the reference during registering my middlewares.
I am still not good with trait stuff, but there must be a clean way of casting the S type to my application-defined State structure:
pub struct State {
pub database : actix::Addr<actix::Syn, ::database::Actor>,
pub cache : ::std::sync::Arc<::cache::Cache>,
pub sessions : ::std::sync::Arc<::session::Storage>,
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