vendredi 1 décembre 2017

Center Container

Hello I'm working on making front end design for someone but I don't have access to the css file or classes, so I can't see what's causing the container align left. I'm looking to center the container on screen. What would be best approach? I tried wrapping div with text-align: center !important; that didn't work.

 <div class="portlet-content">
 <div class="portlet-content-container">
 <div class="portlet-body">
 <div class="container">
 <div class="biography-view">
 <div class="biography-item col-md-6">
 <div style="border-style:none">
 <div class="biographyimage" style="background-image:url(;">&nbsp;</div>

<div class="caption biography-profile">
<div class="biography-profile-content">
<h3 class="full-name">Name</h3>

<p class="person-title">Company Name</p>

<p class="person-title"><strong>Person Title</strong></p>

<div class="person-biography">Biography</div>

<div class="person-biography collapse" id="readmore">More Person Info</div>
<a class="read_more" data-target="#readmore" data-toggle="collapse">Read More</a></div>

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