dimanche 5 novembre 2017

"No input file specified" Homestead

every time I open in browser the adress to my webproject the output is "No input file specified". I'm using mac und the newest version of Homestead an Vagrant. I followed the tutorial on laravel.com. When I log in into my vagrant ssh to check the folders in my vagrant they are shared with my local direcotry (~/myfolder).

- map: ~/myfolder
  to: /home/vagrant/myfolder

    - map: northsound.dev
      to: /home/vagrant/myfolder/myproject/public

This is the entry in my hostfile.   myproject.adress

I found on the internet something with the ngnix, but I dont know how to find or config the ngnix file on mac. Hope someone knows a solution :)

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