jeudi 24 août 2017

Need to send python requests fast with requests library

for a couple of days now, I have been trying to find a way to send mass amounts of requests at the same time. I have tried multiprocessing and somewhat threading. Nothing has been too successful for me. Would prefer if the method way is to call a function. Haven't really poked at grequests and stuff because I couldn't find too many resources. I do alot of projects like this and value how known it is.

Code trying to speed up:

def ready():
global count2
while thing:
    #runs through thingy to make sure all accounts will not have security questions 
    change ="#####", data = {'###': token, 'answer0': question, '##': questionid, 'answer1': question, '####': #####, 'answer2': question, 'questionId2': ###} , cookies=cookie, proxies=proxies2)
    count2 += 1
    print(change.content + " Proxy: " + lines[count2])
    if count2 == 50:
        done = True
        print("Done With Challenges!")
        return ready

I appriciate any help thank you!

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