dimanche 2 juillet 2017

Web texts & links not displaying properly on macOS browsers

I am developing a website using wordpress (creating a custom wordpress template) and I have an issue displaying text on browsers running on macOS systems. These include Safari, Chrome, Firefox... If you have a Mac you can check it out yourself at http://2c.ggcc.upc.edu.

Depending on which of them, the result is different. On Chrome, the text is displayed but links are not functional. If we have a look at elements inspector this is what we have: li element chrome

In this example I have a menu element selected <li>, and we can see the text is displayed a bit above where it should be. If we now have a look at the <a> element, we can see it has no height and therefore it doesn't work properly. (You can not activate it).

a element chrome

Now let's switch to Safari. On safari the text isn't even displayed, and the links are neither functional.

a element safari

In this case the <a> element hasn't got height, either.

This is not an issue with links only, because some of the body text is neither displayed on safari.

After a bit research I've came to the conclusion that's an issue with the font face I am using, because all these problems are solved if we disable the rule that sets the font-family to 'DIN'. Currently, I am including my fonts to the website using css:

@font-face {
    font-family: DIN;
    src: url(font/DINRegular.ttf);
    font-weight: normal;

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