mercredi 1 février 2017

Parsing Text from Multilayered Javascript Website

I am a college student working on a web project that redesigns how my school displays class information to make it easier for students to schedule classes. I have a few ideas on how to display this information on my webpage, but I am not sure how to go about parsing the information from my school's website.

What I would like to do is have a student login to our school's website using their school ID on their browser. They will then be able to select classes based on a database that I have already extracted (via my website). To get more information about the classes is where it gets tricky.

I don't want to have the information already in a database as it may change (times, professors, seats available). I could update this regularly but I think it would be better if for every request the student made, their browser would handle retrieving class information.

This is a rundown of the process to view classes based on time, seats remaining, etc. I would like to automate this on their browser in the background.

  1. Student logs in (via CAS)
  2. Student visits database link
  3. Student presses a button to go to class search feature of website (javascript)
  4. Student submits form of N classes (selected earlier on my webpage) that uses javascript to request class information
  5. Class information is displayed on webpage (common gateway interface)

I would then like to...

  1. Class information is parsed and added to my custom table for student to view

Any help or ideas on how to go about doing this would be very much appreciated. I have been looking into phpunit, curl, simpletest, and so many other web automation systems. I am willing to dedicate time to learn how to implement this but direction on what to study would be immensely helpful.

Thank you all for reading!

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