I have a Raspberry Pi that is connected to the breadboard. I'm using a BC548 NPN transistor. I want to know what will I code if the wire(color green) touches the water and the LED will turn on. Below also is my sample code and the comment explains all.
I'm using flask to have a web server. This is my code:
import RPi.GPIO as GIO
from flast import Flask
GPIO.output(12,GPOO.LOW) //resets the led
app = Flast(__name__)
def index():
return 'Hello'
// i want to add code if(wire touches the water) then led will turn on and print('wire touches water')
if __name__ == '__mnain__':
app.run(debug=True, host='')
I want to add something like if (wire touches water) then GPIO.output(12, 1) and print('wire touches water'). How can I do this?
Sorry I'm new to the Python language same as the Raspberry Pi. doing this for my project. My main language is Java. But I can learn the syntax of it. Thank you.
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