vendredi 26 août 2016

I Just Need to Have A PHP page run on my server - Not send it info or Get Info from it

Good Day;

I understand WWW and Php enough to have created a successful login and registration form, but all I want to do now is have my unity c# script to erase (delete) all of the data in a particular table. When I run the php page from my browser then check my database the records were deleted. But when I use the code I created below to (I hoped) only make the same page run, nothing gets deleted!

    void  OnServerInitialized (){
         //Erase Exisiting User Data from the database
         Debug.Log("In OnServerInitialized");
         WWW w = new WWW("");

    IEnumerator ErasePlayerNames(WWW w){
        yield return w;

Note: I did change the ipaddress for this post for obvious reasons.

Please Inform me of what I am doing wrong, thanks.

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