mercredi 27 juillet 2016

Django: Return image and text to same Template simultaneously for display

I have a method in that creates an image and also creates a text string to return to a template for display.

This code shows just the image correctly(without the string showing up since not returned):

response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png'), "PNG")
return response

This code doesn't quite work right as it just displays text (the PIL photo object text string, the string is displayed correctly)

objects_to_render = {"photo":image,"string":the_string}
return render(request, "pic_text_display.html",objects_to_render, content_type='image/png')

In "pic_text_display.html":

How can I return an image and have the string available for display in the template at the same time?

Thanks for the help!!

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