mercredi 27 avril 2016

Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object (have searched for answer on here for hours)

Before I ask my question I wanted to say I have looked at many other solutions and have tried tons of different ones but none work for me. I understand that to call the bind_param() the $sql variable cannot return false, and that's why I am getting the error. I have triple checked the table name, and column names but I will include a picture to help. I honestly have tried everything and googled for a good hour or two, any help would be greatly appreciated. And yes the database connection works, its been tested with 3 other functions. I will close this question as soon as it is answered because I know there are tons of these.

My database

function updateScore() {
$conn = connectDB();

// Score Update
$name = "happy";
// $name = getName();
$sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT Score FROM Names WHERE Name=?");

echo "This actually works";
echo "Score Before" .$score;
echo "Score After" .$score;

Up to here works like a charm and prints out the updated score to the page, below is problem

$sql = $conn->prepare("UPDATE Names SET Score=? WHERE Name=?");
$sql->bind_param("is",$score, $name);


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