I have two functions in javascript. one is change_BASE_ID the other is function Display_img(a,b). change_BASE_ID is called on mouseqlik which internally calls display_img. On mouse over ,Display_img is called. So Display_img is used in two ways. There us variable base_id_mitali in change_BASE_ID function which i want it global. so even on mouse over when Display_img function is called independently, it should make use of the value of that variable. If onclick funation was never clicked the value in base_id_mitali should be 01 or else if it was clicked it should be the one set prevviously.
function change_BASE_ID(base_ID,cursor_ID) { // THIS IS WHEN MOUSE IS CLICKED
//var curr_base_id = 'ch01ch01.png';
var start_name = "ch";
base_id_mitali= "01";
var bsid=document.getElementById('image').src;
//var bsidlen=bsid.charAt(bsid.length-6);
var bid1=bsid.charAt(bsid.length-6);
var bid2=bsid.charAt(bsid.length-5);
document.getElementById("mitali").innerHTML = "trying to get base id ".concat(bid1).concat(bid2);
var a = base_ID;
var b = cursor_ID;
var temp_res1 = start_name.concat(base_id_mitali);
var temp_res2 = temp_res1.concat("ch");
var temp_res3 = temp_res2.concat(b);
var final = temp_res3.concat(".png");
curr_base_id = final;
document.getElementById('image').src = final;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "clicked on ".concat(final);
function Display_img(a,b) {
var start_name = "ch";
//document.getElementById("globalvar").innerHTML = "trying see global variable value ".concat(base_id_mitali);
var temp_res1 = start_name.concat(a);
var temp_res2 = temp_res1.concat("ch");
var temp_res3 = temp_res2.concat(b);
var final = temp_res3.concat(".png");
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = final;
document.getElementById('image').src = final;
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