vendredi 3 avril 2015

Where to start coding a live updated map of buses

After school, about 60 buses arrive at various locations around the building. There are individuals who write down all these buses on paper every day, but they usually get it wrong and their system (walkie talkies) isn't scalable.

How would I go about coding a live Web app of the locations of the buses?

End goal: individuals who monitor the buses tap a bus' location (on a predefined map) on their mobile device, enter the number of the bus, and that gets pushed to the school's website for students to see.

I'm sorry this is so unclear, I just need to know where to start. My friends and I are familiar with Java, but we're more than happy to learn anything. I'd like to use github to collaborate with them on it as well.

We just need to know what to Google, and the proper terminology to learn more.

Thank you in advance, we are seniors in high school who are very excited about coding :)

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