jeudi 28 janvier 2021

What's the standard way of passing headers with User info while calling Client APIs from a UI web application?

I want to pass user info to Client API request headers while calling an API from UI (ReactJs) application as below:

x-Userinfo: { email: '', userId: '12345', phone: '+1-234-567-89' }

Is above header a standard way to use ?

As per Mozilla docs as below:

The 'X-' prefix headers are deprecated in 2012 as per IETF RFC spec

Custom proprietary headers have historically been used with an X- prefix, but this convention was deprecated in June 2012 because of the inconveniences it caused when nonstandard fields became standard in RFC 6648; others are listed in an IANA registry, whose original content was defined in RFC 4229. IANA also maintains a registry of proposed new HTTP headers.

If 'X-' is deprecated, what is a standard header to be used to pass user info ?

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