vendredi 30 septembre 2016

My site displayed deceptive site ahead message

I am a beginner in web development. I am developing a website. From few days my site is not gonna run in good way. When i write down the URL of site and hit enter key. Than a window is displayed.

I searched it on google. But i'm failed to sort out this. I don't understand how to remove it. Please any one can help me how i can sort out this. Thanks

how to get styling theme dynamically from an image via javascript

can u please help me out with this, or at least get me started, am trying to create an image library with some textual information on the side, just like on itunes desktop app(i'll upload an image), what i'll like to achieve, via some genius help is, how to get a styling theme for the background and the text color that blend with the image. please check out the image to visually grasp the not yet allowed to embed images yet so pls just click the link below to view

Facebook Open Graph tags not working on my site

Facebook Open Graph tags not working on my site...

I have this url page of my site:

This page has open graphs tags but facebook is not recognizing them.

I tested my url on

And there I can see that is not working too.

What can I do to fix this?

Pass php Variables between pages

I am trying to pass variables from a form to a website page. Here is the guide that I am following:

Here is the code on my redirect.php page:

     $answers = $_POST;
      $url1 = "";

      $var1 = "?user_email =".urlencode($answers[user_email]);
      $var2 = "&input_63 =".urlencode($answers[input_63]);
      $var3 = "&input_64 =".urlencode($answers[input_64]);
      $var4 = "&input_65 =".urlencode($answers[input_65]);
      $var5 = "&input_66 =".urlencode($answers[input_66]);
      $var6 = "&input_67 =".urlencode($answers[input_67]);
      $var7 = "&input_68 =".urlencode($answers[input_68]);
      $var8 = "&input_69 =".urlencode($answers[input_69]);
      $var9 = "&input_70 =".urlencode($answers[input_71]);
      $var10 = "&input_71 =".urlencode($answers[input_71]);
      $var11 = "&input_55 =".urlencode($answers[input_55]);
      $var12 = "&input_56 =".urlencode($answers[input_56]);
      $var13 = "&input_57 =".urlencode($answers[input_57]);

The variables show up on the page as ' '.

I have no clue what to do and help would be greatly appreciated.

Authorization (and security, in general) for web and mobile apps of the same service

Help me to understand how to implement proper security for web and mobile apps, which would be enough for my case.

What I have:

  1. Backend. Some sort of Stateless REST API, which consumes and produces JSON text. Does not store any kind of state.
  2. Web application. Main portal to the service functionality.
  3. Mobile applicaiton. Provides a reduced a set of functions to users of the service

I am not going to store any state on the backend. Instead, I am going to delegate this to both mobile and web browser applications. Now here comes the question of security. How do I properly secure that?

Since session mechanism does not really work for me, I decided to go with JWT. In my JWT I am going to store user Id and some other information like, for instance, user's privilegies.

For mobile app, I am going to send this token as a part of a response and the app will store it inside its secure store. Each request it will send this token as Authorization Header.

For web app, I am going to send this token via HttpOnly cookie. This token, thus, will be included in every request from the client. The problem now is a possible CSRF-attack. To address that I thought of the following. Each user "session" will be associated with CSRF token. Since I can't store this token on the server (remember, stateless API), I can send it as encrypted (again, with JWT) token to the client via HttpOnly cookie and non-crypted in a regular cookie.

Now, every request the web client will use non-crypted token from the cookie and send it back to the server. The server will check if this token matches from the Encrypted one which is stored in HttpOnly cookie.

Also, I am going to use different URL endpoints for web and mobile web apps. What for? In order to keep auth mechanisms described above separate - I believe this will help me to keep the service secure.

Do you think it is an OK solution? What problems do you see here?

Thanks in advance.

Google Structured Data Testing - The value provided for image.url must be a valid URL

Google structured data tester gives the following error for the ImageObject property.

The value provided for image.url must be a valid URL.

However, image URL exists and has no problem. Any idea?

How can I load and SVG from a file and style it?

Title is rather self explanatory, as shown here: you can style SVGs if you copy/past their contents directly into the HTML.

Is it possible for me to load an svg from disk and do this? - i.e. in the same way that you could just do <img src="/path/to/image" class="fancy-image"> and apply styles to it using .fancy-image?

(If there is an angular directive that could do this all the better)


Python splinter web error

from splinter import Browser                
with Browser() as browser: 
  browser.fill('q', 'Testing')

That code opens up Firefox and gives me an error "Url is not valid"

I want to make a JSP product [on hold]

I want to make a JSP product which can be used by Web developers? Suggest me what type of product I should have to make so I can earn? What do you say about making a "DataGrid" ?

Web cache-control default value private -- how long will cache take effect?

For web cache control, I know if you set the Cache-Control:max-age=xxx, it will get the content from cache for a period of time of max-age. But when there is no cache-control header, which is actually the default value, Cache-Control: private, in this case, how long will the cache take effect?

Gamification of a web Application

I need help on how to gamify a website by awarding points when visitors click on a link or perform an action such as viewing images, playing a video on the site. i also want to be able to show then a progress bar which will link up to a ranking function which will show them who has viewed more links or who is the highest! other options to the gamification includes, awarding badges, just like Stack Overflow here which awards several badges when action is completed (reading the tour page, answering a question or voting answers)...

I know how to use WordPress to perform those functions, but in this case WordPress was not suggested.. so how can i do this with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript or any other suggested web technology? no database or signing is needed for the site visitors, just pure HTML5 site.

if there is any site, codes or repositories which will help achieve them will be fully appreciated.

Getting data from Firebase RTDB and Storage

I am using firebase for both hosting and data storage in an ecommerce site. Each product has text data that I store in the RTDB and images that I store in the Storage Bucket. Right now when I acess a product on the profile page, I have to make two calls, one to the RTDB and the other to the Storage Bucket. Is there a way I can make just one network call and retrieve both?

Thank you!

How to make a site with all the browser supported?

here I'm facing some problem.. I've made a site but it's showing differend size of margin, padding.. on different web browsers, what's the solution? Thanks..

Have i understood http non-persistent communication flow correctly?

i am bit unsure if the communication is closed after each request in non-persistent communication. for example assume we perform a GET to fetch 2 objects then coummincation would look like this:

client----- TCP init ------> server
client<--------ACK --------- sever
client----- get obj1 ------> server
client<-------- obj1-------- server

------------communication closed ------

client----- TCP init ------> server
client<--------ACK --------- sever
client----- get obj1 ------> server
client<--------- obj1------ server

while in persistent communication, it would look like this:

client----- TCP init ------> server
client<--------ACK --------- sever
client----- get obj1 ------> server
client<----------obj1------ server
client----- get obj2 ------> server
client<-------- obj2-------- server
------------communication closed ------

Is there a real benefit for browsers to ban cross domain HTTP requests? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

Some might argue that stackoverflow is not the right for this question, but I do want to get a programmers take on this, and there's no place better than this. I don't see this as argumentative.

It seems that today there are many ways for a web client to load content from servers other than the one serving the current page: WebRTC, JSONP, html includes such as scripts and images, etc'.

Every web developer hits the wall of the cross-domain policy issue at some point, whether if it's because they need to fetch content from another website, a public API or just divide their backend into many different independent services.

It doesn't look like the policy is helping the web, rather it is limiting it, making web development harder than it needs to be, and specifically more limited than native/desktop apps.

I want to understand if this is something other than an unneeded relic.

So my question is - is there a good argument (security or other) why in 2016, where there is no longer a clear distinction between web apps and other apps, we should still have this limitation? (argument must not apply to native apps...)

Firebase Hosting redirect to

I have completed my site setup via Firebase hosting, and everything works correctly. The problem is that my site make a redirect from to

How can I prevent it? How can I get always

This is my firebase.json :

"hosting": {
"public": "files",
"ignore": [
"headers": [ {
  "source" : "**/*.@(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)",
  "headers" : [ {
    "key" : "Cache-Control",
    "value" : "max-age=7200"
"cleanUrls": true }

Thank you in advance


Publish web api in Azure

I publish my web API in azure. I didn't create a new database in azure. Can I access to my datas store in sql server via controllers ? The error I get when I try to run my app is : "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"

I don't know if I have to create the database in azure or not ?

Google chart won't load when the site is online

I have a little web app that contains a form and a chart (Google Chart) that populates with the information the user writes in the fields of the form. It works just fine when run on the localhost but when I put it online (000webhost, free account) the chart won't show. In fact the whole div that contains the chart is empty.

this is how it is displayed on the localhost

this is how it looks online

Better alternative to shouldComponentUpdate

I'm using react motion for animations in my project.I solved the problem of rendering animations every time when prop change by maintaining state.

const {animation} = this.state;
        if (animation) {
            return (
                 // updates state upon animatioon to false
                 <Animator rest={}> 
        return this.getContent();

I have a call back that will change my state upon completing of animation.This solves all problems except props changing while animating.

Let's say my animation happens for 2 seconds and call back is triggered after that, but if animation is in the middle like 1 second and my props change then my animation again start from the beginning.

I don't want to use the shouldComponentUpdate as it will stop updating the view.

So how is this situation usually handled. Is it ok to use shouldComponentUpdate.Are there any better alternatives?

Thanks in advance.

Realm for webservice

I have a really simple question yet not answered (I think) in eralm documentation. I am buildint and App that does have API + iOS App + Android App + Web. The web also needs to access to the API and here comes my question:

**If I migrate to realm for ios, android and api, would it be possible to use it for the web through any type of calls? If so, could you give me some links or documentation to read? **

Can the first key-value-pair in a URL query be empty?

I've recently coded an AJAX logic where I purposefully generate URLs that start with ?&, like this:

I admit, that decision is partly based on laziness but honestly, I don't see any concern with this, from a technical standpoint.

Now, a colleague of mine asked me today how safe-to-use this is in regards to support of old/shitty browsers (such as IE *cough, cough*). Since I didn't find anything in the internet, I'm asking you guys/gals.

framework for building cross platform apps

I need a recommendation for a technology stack, preferably java based, javascript based that can help me build an app answering to some of the challenges:

  • the app should be primarily web based. 80% percent of the time will be used web based
  • the app should also work in offline mode. Let's say a client goes with his laptop, tablet to a location where he does not have internet. The app should be capable to work in offline mode.
  • the app should work also work on mobile devices (phones, tablets) native mode.

So, i need some recommendations of some technologies that can answer to this problems. I know that you can build cross platform mobile apps using PhoneGab or derivations of Cordoba, but i don't know if you can build apps with for web and for offline mode.


.NET Core + Web API. Get a image from POST

i need help. I sent file to .net core app using postasync method from a desktop app, and i need to obtain this file in .net core app from POST method. Please help to get sended image in web api. Thanks!

 // postasync from desktop app
 public static async void DeloverToServer(StorageFile file)
        var httpClient = new HttpClient();
        var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();

        var randomAccessStream = await file.OpenReadAsync();
        using (var stream = randomAccessStream.AsStreamForRead())
            content.Add(new StreamContent(stream));
            content.Headers.Add("image", "1");

            await httpClient.PostAsync("http://localhost:3160/api/uploadingimage", content);                          

     //this from web api(didnt work)
    public void UploadFile([FromBody]MultipartFormDataContent content)


jeudi 29 septembre 2016

DNS set up by using yahoo small business

I'm trying to deploy my website and bind dns to this website. So, the dns was used by the old website and now I need to access the dns setting page and modify its A Record and pair its domain name to its new ip address. The domain name is managed by yahoo small business. So I log in and done the changeup like this. enter image description here

however, When I type the "" it does show the apache default page. But when I type "" it still goes to the old webpage. I thought the only thing I have to do is to change the old ip to new ip. Anyone has idea about it?

How to get notification from service worker

I want to create browser notification. But I want to follow following way:

  1. I want to create service worker for browser.
  2. Service worker will request after every 60 minutes to my web api located at my server.
  3. By using server response service worker will create notification.
  4. Then notification will work on client.

Is it feasible solution or not please suggest.

Public attractiveness rating API

I need to get the rating of a location based on given coordinates (latitude/longitude) or maybe the given federal state / city. I am looking for a public API. The API must include for the given coordinates the attractiveness of the location, as a example the tourism popularity, the crime rates, economy growth, population growth or shopping.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

How can I make this design in bootstrap?

I want to make this design using bootstrap. I tried to divide these block into tables and then try float left but it didn't work.

Apps for quick website mockups? [on hold]

My very realistic bosses want to design a mockup of their next website by the end of tomorrow. It's pretty simple stuff, tabs, menus, faux tables, etc. It only has to be in images atm. Are there any simple tools I could use to get the job done quickly? The only other time I did them was in css was a bare html page. I do have PS.


why should i update a java jdk 1.6 web application and what is the risk to not do it?

Today i received a request to make a plan to update an web application to Java 1.8 and the reason was the web site security.

So i would like to know if is really important to update our web application to java 1.8 and the real problems if we keep our server using java 1.6 ?

best regards

How can I get multi-leveled navigation to work with simple navigation in Rails?

I am trying to get a navigation bar to have three levels of options. In my config/navigation.rb, I have my nav-bar options, then I include an item for each thing in my collection.

navigation.items do |primary|
primary.dom_attributes = { class: 'usa-unstyled-list' }

# Menu item highlighting will automatically adjust as routes are updated and specified.
primary.item :admin_route_link, 'ADMIN', root_path, if: proc { @is_admin == true }, html: { class: 'navitem has-sub-menu', title: 'Admin' } do |admin_links|
  admin_links.dom_attributes = { class: 'sub-nav-menu' }
    admin_links.item :set_current_thing_link, 'THING' + current_fco, '', if: proc { @is_superuser == true }, html: { class: 'sub-navitem', title: 'CURRENT FCO' } do |things|
        @things.each do |thing|
          thing.item :set_current_thing_link, thing['label'], '', true, html: { class: 'sub-navitem', title: thing['label'] }


You can see i am trying to make a third level of depth here. When I run this, all the third-level things get rendered...but they don't stay hidden until you highlight the parent like the second level items do. They look like second level items and appear in the same drop-down. Are there some special styles I should be using that other people use in conjunction with simple-navigation?

Firefox profile use (tracking, cookies)

Lets say i got 2 different profiles set up, now when I use profile X to login at a site with account A, and than log off, and later that day i use profile Y to login at the site with account B. The website stores cookies, supercookies etc.

When I use the second profile, can the website detect that i visited or logged in to that site with a different profile & account before (I am just talking about cookies & supercookies, not IP!) Or is every firefox profile 100% independend instance from other profiles and has no access at all to any (super)cookies?

Please excuse my simple english.

What git repository should a public web directory be in?

In an "integration manager workflow" scenario, should the public web directory be regarded as "maintainer private" git repository, or a canonical/blessed/upstream/main repository?

Since I would like to use git to push tested web applications coming from a small team of developers to the public server, is there a need for a read-only main repository?

XML Error servlett string

XML Error , the xml not support servlet enter image description here

enter image description here

storing website pages data in data base, does it impact the discover ability of search enignes?

I want to build a website, a blog like , where each page's data is to be stored in database (as text), so can the search engines like google will be able to find my page if some one google some keywords ?

How to retrieve an object ID generated by firebase

I have the following object:

root: {
  id1: { /* this is an autogenerated id by Firebase */
    name1: "abc",
    name2: "xyz"
  id2: {
    name1: "abc",
    name2: "xyz"
  id3: {
    name1: "abc",
    name2: "xyz"

My code to retrieve the whole snapshot is:

getRoot () {
    firebase.database ().ref ('roots/')
      .on('value', function (snapshot) {
        console.log (snapshot.val());

Everything is perfect. I got the whole root object, but I can't figure out how to access the IDs and their children.


Error GXJMake: "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection"

Esto me ocurre en Genexus X Evo1, generando Java para Web. Cuando intento compilar cualquier objeto, al final siempre devuelve el siguiente error. He notado que se genera el objeto en la carpeta Models pero NO en la webapps. Ya he probado de hacer Rebuild all y sucede lo mismo. No sé qué más hacer.

========== Build With This Only started ==========
========== Target Environment update started ==========
Target Environment update Success
Building changed objects list
========== Specification started ==========
Generating messages for Spanish ...
Generating messages for English ...
Generators messages generated.
Specifying EnviarCorreoNoReply (1 of 1) ...
Specifying stub EnviarCorreoNoReply ...
Specification Success
========== Generation started ==========
Generating Resources...Success
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\gxcfg.js
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\client.cfg
Generating to DESARROLLO\web\
Generating to sm12_4.ari
Compressing static files...Success
Generation Success
File 'upload.jar' copied to "C:\Models\abc\DESARROLLO\web\drivers\upload.jar"
========== EnviarCorreoNoReply Compilation started ==========
callmake.bat "C:\Models\abc\DESARROLLO\web\GXJMake.exe" "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin\javac.exe" aenviarcorreonoreply options: -O
GeneXus Java Make v1.0
El ¡ndice estaba fuera del intervalo. Debe ser un valor no negativo e inferior al tama¤o de la colecci¢n.
Nombre del par metro: index
Build failed.
EnviarCorreoNoReply Compilation Failed
Build With This Only Failed

Si corro el GXJMake manuealmente, también sucede lo mismo:

C:\Models\abc\DESARROLLO\web>GXJMake -f home.mak
GeneXus Java Make v1.0
El índice estaba fuera del intervalo. Debe ser un valor no negativo e inferior al tamaño de la colección.
Nombre del parámetro: index
Build failed.

Mis conocimientos fuera de Genexus son muy limitados, por lo cual les ruego que me ayuden lo antes posible por lo menos a detectar quién es que está tirando este error, pues no sé hacerlo.

Desde ya muchas gracias

Checking download state in chrome

I have a web application deployed as a .WAR file.

I'm trying to implement a download feature, however I was wondering if it's possible to perform checking to see if Chrome is downloading a file currently.I've found the following page/method :

chrome.downloads.onCreated.addListener(function callback)

however it doesn't appear to work as downloads is always undefined. Is there an alternative way to check the download state ?

SQL error when updating member table PDO php


Currently I am writing a program that allows an admin to update the members datebase.

My code is as follows:

    $member_id = $formdata['update']; 
$surname = $formdata['surname'];
$other_name = $formdata['othername'];
$contactmethod = $formdata['contactmethod'];
$email = $formdata['email'];
$mobilenum = $formdata['mobilenum'];
$phonenum = $formdata['phonenum'];
$occupation = $formdata['occupation'];    
$userpass = $formdata['userpass'];
   $magazine = 0;
   $magazine = 1;

//Get ready to talk to the DB
$db = getDBConnection();
//Make a prepared query so that we can use data binding and avoid SQL injections. 
$insertUser = $db->prepare('INSERT into member VALUES
                          (:surname, :other_name, :contact_method,
                           :email, :mobile, :landline, :magazine, :street,
                           :suburb, :postcode, :password,
                           :occupation) WHERE member_id=$member_id');
//Bind the data from the form to the query variables.
//Doing it this way means PDO sanitises the input which prevents SQL injection.
$insertUser->bindParam(':surname', $surname, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':other_name', $other_name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':contact_method', $contactmethod, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':email', $email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':mobile', $mobilenum, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':landline', $phonenum, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':magazine', $magazine, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$insertUser->bindParam(':street', $streetaddr, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':suburb', $suburbstate, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':postcode', $postcode, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$insertUser->bindParam(':password', $userpass, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$insertUser->bindParam(':occupation', $occupation, PDO::PARAM_STR);

Current error is within WHERE member_id=$member_id

I have no idea what the error is and how to fix it.

Any tips?

Javascript: Page with two dialogs not working correctly

I'm currently developing a website-gallery of paintings. I have one section where I show two different authors for comparison, where you can individually pass between paintings in two screens. See it for yourself at (put 2 numbers between 1 and 1000 and click on comparar)

My problem is: there are 2 buttons that show individual info for each painting, in the form of a jquery dialog. The left dialog works; the right one appears at the bottom of the screen, even though the code is the same. I don't understand my problem, can anybody help me? comparador.php

<div class="col_half">
<!-- 1st button and image block-->
    <div id="imageDiv" style="margin-top: 5%; margin-bottom: 1%;">
        <img src="" class="pop" id="imagen" alt="" style="width: 650px; height: 520px;">
        <button type='button' id="prev" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></span></button>
        <button type='button' id="next" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></span></button>
        <button type='button' id="info" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span></button>
    <div class="col_half col_last">
    <!-- 2nd button and image block-->
        <div id="imageDiv_cuadro2" style="margin-top: 5%; margin-bottom: 1%;">
        <img src="" class="pop2" id="imagen_2" alt="" style="width: 650px; height: 520px;">
        <button type='button' id="prev_2" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></span></button>
        <button type='button' id="next_2" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></span></button>
        <button type='button' id="info_2" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span></button>

    <div id="dialog" class="box follow-scroll dialog" title="Información de la imagen">
        <table class="table">
            <tr id="nombre">
                <td>Nombre del autor</td>
                <td><label id="aut"></label></td>
            <tr id="titulo">
                <td>Titulo de la obra</td>
                <td id="t"></td>
            <tr id="anno">
                <td id="a"></td>
            <tr id="sop">
                <td id="s"></td>
            <tr id="museo">
                <td id="m"></td>
    <div id="dialog2" class="box follow-scroll dialog" title="Información de la imagen">
        <table class="table">
            <tr id="nombre2">
                <td>Nombre del autor</td>
                <td><label id="aut2"></label></td>
            <tr id="titulo2">
                <td>Titulo de la obra</td>
                <td id="t2"></td>
            <tr id="anno2">
                <td id="a2"></td>
            <tr id="sop2">
                <td id="s2"></td>
            <tr id="museo2">
                <td id="m2"></td>


    $( "#dialog" ).dialog({
        autoOpen: false,
        show: {
            effect: "blind",
            duration: 1000
        hide: {
            effect: "blind",
            duration: 1000
            resizable: false,
            position: { my: "left", at: "left+15", of: window }
    $( "#info" ).on( "click", function() {
        $( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );
    $( "#dialog2" ).dialog({
        autoOpen: false,
        show: {
            effect: "blind",
            duration: 1000
        hide: {
            effect: "blind",
            duration: 1000
            resizable: false,
            position: { my: "right", at: "right+15", of: window }
    $( "#info_2" ).on( "click", function() {
        $( "#dialog2" ).dialog( "open" );

Redirecting php variables to new webpage + use

Here is my code below(php):

$answers = $_POST;

  $url1 = "";

  $var1 = 12;  
  $var2 = 12;  
  $var3 = 8;  
  $var4 = 10;  
  $var5 = 4;  
  $var6 = 2;  
  $var7 = 1;  
  $var8 = 6;  
  $var9 = 12;   
  $var10 = 10;   
  $url2 = $url1.$var1.$var2.$var3.$var4.$var5.$var6.$var7.$var8.$var9.$var10;


The users will click this site and they will be redirected to another page. I am trying to get these variables to be transfered to the other page. It is currently displaying the variable as ' ' . Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

Navigating inside website and taking screenshot through code

  • I need to take screenshots of multiple separate shopping websites for the final checkout page.
  • All selections of items in cart and other navigation to pages must be through code.
  • The output screenshots should be in image file(jpg,png) or inserted in a docx file(if possible)
  • What tool and technology can I use for this task?

I have a little idea about screen capture through php and phantomjs but for a static webpage only. I am a newbie and would be happy if someone guides me here.

Java Fileupload getParts() return Files and a null value

I'm trying to create a fileupload. My file input:

<input class="form-control" name="file" type="file" size="20" accept="application/pdf, image/jpeg, image/png, text/plain" multiple >

And this method returns, the selected files and a additional element with size 1 and content type null. This cause an errror.

for (Part part : request.getParts()) {
            System.out.println("Dateigrösse: " + part.getSize());
            uploadSize = uploadSize + part.getSize();
            System.out.println("Dateityp: " + part.getContentType());
            if(part.getContentType().equals("application/pdf") || part.getContentType().equals("text/plain") || part.getContentType().equals("image/jpeg") || part.getContentType().equals("image/png")) {
            } else {
                types = false;

First it worked, but know there's this null element. What should I do? Where does it comes from?

Thank you in advance.

Is there any way to see how a webpage will behave in future? [on hold]

Is there any way to make the server give a future version of a page ? I thought about setting a new request parameter called FUTURE with a FUTURE date and then making changes in all the required areas . Then the number of changes will be very high. Is there a better way so FUTURE dates are shown only for those particular request and not for others.

Where to find statistics on the usage of JSON in web API's compared to XML [on hold]

I am currently working on my thesis which includes developing an API. One of the requirements of my thesis includes that it has to be in JSON format. Now I have to prove that JSON is more used in API's than XML, using statistics or scientific facts. I stumbled upon a few graphs taken from, which are really helpful but are published in 2013 (example: ). Now when I use the website and filter the API directory on the format, it only shows 10 apis for JSON and 4 for XML.

I also read a couple of blog posts published by different people who claim that JSON will be the de facto standard, but unfortunately no facts to back this up.

Does someone know an up to date source for finding up-to-date statistics on JSON and XML usage in the web API's?

web content not fully loading through web crawler

I am new to creating a web crawler just for learning purpose. I want to use text from my webpage to search on a website in my case when I click search button it should do search on above link and give me search results but It just opens this web page and in search results just show loading. am following tutorial from youtube here are pics of code and out put Code in C# output in Google Chrome

Angular 2 SimpleChanges Object throws error at first npm start

In my angular 2 application there is a component containing an array of objects that is passing the chosen (clicked) one to it's direct child component. This does display the data more detailed. I'm using the "SimpleChanges" feature to watch in this child component if the object given changed to make another http request to get the related comments from a database.

If I try to build it with npm I get an error, saying :

app/displayEntry.component.ts(23,41): error TS2339: Property 'entry' does not exist on type 'SimpleChanges'

If I just comment this part out, start npm and finally put it in there again and save it, there is no Problem anymore ( no erro and it works ). My question is, is there a way to work around this behavior and can this cause any trouble later I don't foresee or should I just ignore it? Thanks for your help

Parent component:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { entry } from './Objekte/entry';
import { entryService } from './entry.service'

templateUrl: 'app/Html_Templates/displayLastEntrys.template.html'

export class displayLastEntrys implements OnInit{

public entrys : entry[];
private entryChoosen: boolean;
private ChoosenEntry : entry; 

constructor ( private entryservice : entryService){
    this.entryChoosen = false;

ngOnInit() : void  {

getData() {
    this.entryservice.getFirstEntrys().then(entrys => this.entrys = entrys);

entryClicked(ent: entry){
    this.entryChoosen = true;
    this.ChoosenEntry = ent; 

leaveEntry () {
    this.entryChoosen = false; 

voted( upordown : boolean ) {


Child component:

import { Component, Input, Injectable, OnChanges , SimpleChanges, Output,                    EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';
import { entry} from './Objekte/entry';
import { entryService } from './entry.service';
import { comment } from './Objekte/comments'; 

selector: 'display-entry',
templateUrl: 'app/Html_Templates/displayEntry.template.html'

export class displayComponent implements OnChanges{
@Input() public entry : entry;
public comments : comment[];

private changecounter : number;

constructor(private service : entryService) {
    this.changecounter  = 0;

ngOnChanges(changes : SimpleChanges){

            .then(com => this.comments = com )

    // To implement :: change database 

votedUp () : void {
    this.entry.votes ++;
    // To implement :: change database 

votedDown () : void  {
    this.entry.votes --;
    // To implement :: change database

Application Insight in pure Javascript web App and security

When using microsoft's application insight in pure JavaScript web applicationv(for e.g. SPA excluding ASP.NET MVC or similar sever side rendering engine), do we need to secure the app insight's instrumentation key? If so how to do this?


mercredi 28 septembre 2016

I am getting error as $ is not a function

var request = require("request"),
cheerio = require("cheerio"),
urls ,
url = "";
request(url, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode==200) {
 var $ = cheerio.load(body).html();
    var teli = $('a.w3schools-logo').html();

i am getting error as

TypeError: $ is not a function
 at Request._callback (C:\Users\AMIT\Desktop\project\demo.js:9:14)   
 at Request.self.callback (C:\Users\AMIT\Desktop\project\node_module   \request\request.js:187:22)
 at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
 at Request.emit (events.js:172:7)
 at Request.<anonymous> (C:\Users\AMIT\Desktop\project\node_modules\request\request.js:1048:10)
 at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
 at Request.emit (events.js:169:7)
 at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\Users\AMIT\Desktop\project\node_modules\request\request.js:969:12)
 at emitNone (events.js:72:20)
 at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:166:7)

please help what can i do for this error

Flynx Classified need to install in local

I bought this "" CMS package. I want to change it's few design so for that I want to set up in my local system.I am using and port 80. I am able to install the cms. Admin panel also opening fine but front end is getting 404 error, I am trying from last 3 days but no luck. Please help me to setup this in local.

Add WooCommerce to my own website

Questions: Can you add woocommerce to your own website, as in NOT a wordpress site?

I have just begun researching ways to add donate buttons to websites, however, if your site is geared toward small donations (like a dollar) then many of the popular ecommerce services are not worth it since they typically take a flat 30 cents, and a percent of the transaction.

Any tips on what to use if WooCommerce can NOT be added to your own custom site?

Database Alternative to which doesn't need a Private Key to Push Data

I have a project I am working on which will be open source. The project records data from all over. People can look at the instructions on a website, build the prototype, and the prototype will contribute its data to a giant database. is perfect for this, except for a major problem. In order to push data, you need to put the Private Key in the code (docs). This will also allow anybody with the code (which will be everybody looking at my project because it is open source) to edit, modify, and delete data from the database because they have the Private Key.

Is there any alternative to data.sparkfun for free so that I can achieve this? I am using NodeJS as the main language for my project.

EDIT: I also do not have a server to host my own database on. I also would need a hosting service (which is why data.sparkfun is so close to what I need).

How to make a 4 big text fields with borders HTML

I want to achieve this

Is this the input text type or commennts box

Setting up an apache web server on mac os Sierra (macbook pro 13 2014)

The guide that i used to set up an apache server. I did everything that was necessary but i wasn't able to run this command $ sudo cp httpd-userdir.conf httpd-userdir.conf.bak Answer from terminal was "Access denied" So, I decided not to make back-up files. When i completed the proccess, i entered this in the browser http://localhost/~username, where username was my actual username. And got this response


You don't have permission to access /~username on this server.

What should I do?

Python 2.7 posting, and getting result from web site

I appreciate the help in advance. I am trying to write a python script that posts an IP address to a site referenced below, and get the results printed out in the terminal or file, and then read the file immediately after.

Here is my script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import requests

IP = raw_input("Enter IP address here: ")

Alert_URL = ''

def submit_form():
    """Submit a form"""
    payload = IP

    # make a get request
    resp = requests.get(Alert_URL)
    print "Response to GET request: %s" % resp.content

    # send POST request
    resp =, payload)
    print "Headers from a POST request response: %s" % resp.headers
    # print "HTML Response: %s"

if __name__ == '__main__':

The site has section to input IP addresses on the web page, and inspecting the site I found lines to input as follows:

<form method=POST onsubmit="document.forms[0].submit.disabled='true';">
IP or Domain <input onclick="this.value='';" name=q value=>

I would like to post an IP address that I want to check to the site using the input section above somehow. For instance using raw_input to post into the 'value=' section, and get the result.

Thanks for the help.

Best CMS to develop a program that will read a database (CVS) and publish it

Let me explain: I have a server on my own house that receive data entries by me, in a CSV file, every day a new line is added. Date:DATA.

I want to create a website (in a webhost) that will access my local machine, read this CSV file and update some page with the new CSV file.

any solution for this?

Toggle display with javascript vanilla

How to toggle display with Javascript Vanilla when I click a checkbox.

I tried with only one element and it works but when there is more than one...I put this in my code-->

function OnlyOK(){      
var ul = document.getElementsByClassName('RQ');
        for (i = 0; i < ul.length; i++) {
              ul[i].style.display = 'none';

And the case of toggle display(none,block) only one element (1 first element)...This Works!!

function OnlyOK(){  
  var ul = document.getElementsByClassName('RQ'); = === 'none' ? '' : 'none';

I tried getElementsById too! but I prefer to work with class.

Web Caching / Networking / HTTP

Hi I have the following question can any solve this problem

A campus network uses a single 100 Mbs LAN with average LAN delay of 10 ms. The campus is connected through a 1 Mb/s access link to the Internet. The Internet experiences an average delay time of 200 ms, while the delay (in seconds) on the access link is a function of its utilization as below:

D = 10U/1 − U

where D is the delay experienced over the access link, and U is the utilization indicating the fraction of bandwidth used on the access link (U ranges from 0 to 1). Requests are generated on the LAN with an average request size of 50 Kb (50 kilo bit) and a request frequency of 19 requests per second.

(a) Find the average end-to-end delay to service a request, when no web caching is used.

(b) What is the average end-to-end delay when a web cache is used at campus with a hit ratio of 70%?

(c) What is the average end-to-end delay when a web cache is used at campus with a hit ratio of 30%?

How to loop through carousel banner and fetch from the path database slider using codigniter

How to loop through carousel banner slider, when i embed the foreach loop, the slider did not show very well.The slider images are not displaying very well. These are the code below.I will appreciate your contribution on the topic Thank you

" Live=""> filename); $bannerUrl = $resultObj->prefix."wbanners/".$resultObj->filename; $bannerType = ""; if($resultObj->bannerType != 'video' && $resultObj->bannerType != 'channel' && $resultObj->bannerType != 'channels' && $resultObj->bannerType != 'category'){ $bannerType = 'tunes'; } if($resultObj->bannerType == 'video'){ $bType = base64_encode($resultObj->contentID); $bannerType = 'video'; //echo $bType; exit; $live = $resultObj->isLive; } if($resultObj->bannerType == 'channels' || $resultObj->bannerType == 'channel'){ $bT = $resultObj->contentID; $cID = ""; $bannerType = 'channel'; $cQuery = $this->db->query("select cat_id from channels where id = '$bT'"); if($cQuery->num_rows() > 0){ $c = $cQuery->row(); $cID = $c->cat_id; } $bType = $bT.'/'.$cID; } if($resultObj->bannerType == 'category'){ $bType = base64_encode($resultObj->contentID); $live = $resultObj->isLive; $bannerType = 'category'; } if(in_array(strtolower($resultObj->bannerType),array('tunes_track','tunes_album'))){ $bType = base64_encode($resultObj->contentID); $live = $resultObj->isLive; $bannerType = 'tunes'; } ?> " class="banner" width="748" height="260" alt="Experience Barcelona" title="Experience Barcelona">
<style type="text/css" scoped>



        background-repeat:repeat;background-size: initial;



<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var myIndex = 0;


        function carousel() {

            var i;

            var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides");

            for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {

                x[i].style.display = "none";



            if (myIndex > x.length) {myIndex = 1}

            x[myIndex-1].style.display = "block";

            setTimeout(carousel, 5000); // Change image every 5 seconds



how tomcat internally work while deploying the appliction

I want to know how tomcat work internally while deploying the application and also how it handle request. Please provide information on this topic.

your support highly appreciated.

sublime showing file name on each line after save

After I save, there's a little pop up that shows the file name of what im working on. It's pretty frustrating to keep removing it after each time i save. after i Save

Web Audio API (How to show EQ data of mp3 in array)

I would like to generate an array that holds EQ information about an mp3 using the analyser node

The goal is to have a single digit representing the entire mp3's average amplitude of a specific range of frequencies. Ex) 100 Hz - 200 Hz should output a single digit, 5dB. The array will come into play because I will define 24 different EQ ranges up front, which i'd like to output 24 values.

Sooo, an array including 24 different values that represent the average amplitude of 24 specific ranges over time.

How can this be done using Javascript? thanks

Firefox only: left/right arrows move the entire page

This is a bizarre issue happening with my website on Firefox only. Using mouse scroll, I can only move up and down. That's the intended behavior. However, if I use arrows I can move the entire page to the right in what seems like ~40px increments. This creates a block of white space along the right edge of the browser window. I can also move it back to the left until the page is in the correct position (but no further -- ie, I can't create a white block on the left).

I don't want the left and right arrows to move the page like this... it happens to all of my site's pages (even the ones that are absolutely positioned). It only happens in Firefox (49.0.1).

Does anyone have any clues for me? thanks.

FormView.InsertItem(True) not inserting

I am trying to have the button(BtnTimeOut) outside my formview to insert data. the code executes without errors but does not insert into the database. do you have any clue what im doing wrong? Thanks

<asp:Panel ID="Panel_Time" runat="server">

     <table style="text-align: center" border="0">
            <td width="10%">
                <asp:Button ID="btnTimeIn" runat="server" Text="Begin Day"  
                   onclick="btnTimeIn_Click" CausesValidation="False"   
                   Width="90px"  ForeColor="WhiteSmoke"
                   BackColor="#43BE07" Font-Bold="True" />

            <td width="10%">
            <td width="10%">
            <td width="10%">
                 <asp:Button ID="btnTimeOut" runat="server" Text="End Day"  
            onclick="btnTimeOut_Click" CausesValidation="False" 
              Width="90px" ForeColor="WhiteSmoke"
              BackColor="#E93240" Font-Bold="True" />   

    <asp:Panel ID="Panel_FV" runat="server">

     <table style="text-align: center" border="0">
            <td width="10%">

            <td width="10%">
            <td align="center">

  <asp:FormView ID="FormView_ProdEntry" runat="server" 
   DefaultMode="ReadOnly" BorderStyle="None" 
                    <%--  DefaultMode="Insert"--%>
                    <InsertRowStyle BorderStyle="Solid" />
                        <table style="width: 100%; text-align: center" border="0">
                                <td colspan="2">
                                <td colspan="2">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lblMouseOver" runat="server" Text="Tip:&nbsp;&nbsp;Hover Mouse Over Any Field Label for Tool Tips / Field Definitions"
                                        ToolTip="How To Work ToolTips" Font-Italic="True" ForeColor="#525252">
                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lbl_WorkDate" runat="server" Text="Work Date" ToolTip="Date of Work Performed">
                                <td align="left">
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtbox_WorkDate" runat="server" value='<%# DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() %>'
                                     <asp:CalendarExtender ID="CalExt_WorkDate" runat="server"
                                        TargetControlID="txtbox_WorkDate" CssClass="CalendarStyle" >
                                    <asp:RangeValidator ID="rangeVal_WorkDate" Type="Date" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtbox_WorkDate"
                                        ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry" ErrorMessage="WorkDate -- Date Entered Must Be Valid Format and in Range of Current Date to 90 Days Earlier."
                                        MinimumValue='<%# DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90).ToShortDateString() %>'
                                         MaximumValue="<%# DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() %> "
                                        Font-Names="tahoma" Font-Size="11px" 
                                        Text="-- Date Range or Date Format Error"
                                        Display="Dynamic" />

                                    <asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" 
                                    ErrorMessage="Tasks already exist for this workdate, Edit the record using OCP020." 
                                <td colspan="2">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lbl_WorkDateInstr" runat="server" Text="Allowable WorkDates range from Today's Date to 90 Days Earlier."
                                        ForeColor='#484641' Font-Italic="True">

                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label31" runat="server" 
                                    Text="Total Time" 
                                    ToolTip="The total amount of time worked so far for this WorkDate"></asp:Label>
                                <td align="left">
                                   <%--'mah 8-10-2016 Then changemode to ReadOnly is reset after the insert processing of the record.  Because of total time needing to be read only 
        'the system cannot read the Javascript input(rather readonly is set to false or not), therefore another field was created for input with display = none.
        'this link helped to correct the problem --%>

                                     <asp:TextBox ID="tbTotalTimeSpent" runat="server"
                                      Text = ''

                                    &nbsp; &nbsp;

                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lbl_Claims" runat="server" Text="Claims" ToolTip="Number of Claims worked for this WorkDate"></asp:Label>
                                <td align="left">
                                    <%--    5-25-2016 MAH Autocomplete is set to off as when used
               it is not populating the modified total.--%>
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_Claims" runat="server" Text='' value='<%#0%>' MaxLength="4"
                                        TabIndex="4" autocomplete="off"  onkeyup="startCalcClaims()">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Text=" X " Width="20 px" ForeColor="#CCCCCC"></asp:Label>
                                    <%--<asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Text=" X "  Width="20 px" style="display:none" ></asp:Label>--%>
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_ClaimsMod" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ClaimsMod") %>'
                                        ForeColor="#CCCCCC" onkeyup="startCalcClaims()" Width="20 px" BorderWidth="0"
                                        BorderStyle="None" Enabled="True" TabIndex="-1"></asp:TextBox>
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text=" = " Width="20 px" ForeColor="#CCCCCC"></asp:Label>
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_ClaimsTot" runat="server" Text='' value='<%#0%>' onkeyup="startCalcClaims()"
                                        ForeColor="#CCCCCC" Width="50 px" BorderStyle="None" Enabled="True" TabIndex="-1"></asp:TextBox>

                                    <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="reqfldVAL_Claims" ControlToValidate="TextBox_Claims"
                                        ErrorMessage="Claims Field CANNOT BE EMPTY. Input 0 or Valid Number." ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry"
                                        Display="Dynamic" runat="server">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
                                    <asp:CompareValidator ID="cmprVAL_Claims" ControlToValidate="TextBox_Claims" Operator="DataTypeCheck"
                                        Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Claims Field Must Have a VALID NUMBER OR ZERO."
                                        ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry" runat="server" Type="Integer">*</asp:CompareValidator>
                                <td align="right">
                                <td align="left">
                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lbl_Comments" runat="server" Text="Comments" ToolTip="Comments of Any Sort"></asp:Label>
                                <td align="left" colspan="2">
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="Comments_TextBox" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" TabIndex="17"
                                <td align="right">
                                <td align="left">
                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label29" runat="server" Text="Total "></asp:Label>
                                <td align="left">
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_Totals" runat="server" value='<%#0%>' BorderStyle="None"
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label30" runat="server" Text="Total Modified "></asp:Label>
                                         &nbsp; &nbsp;
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_ModTotals" runat="server" value='<%#0%>' BorderStyle="None"
                                <td align="right">
                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label12" runat="server" Text="Target Goal"></asp:Label>
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_TGoalPH" runat="server" value='<%#0%>' BorderStyle="None"
                                <td align="right">

                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label32" runat="server" Text="Prod Per Hour "></asp:Label>
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_PPH" runat="server" value='<%#0%>' BorderStyle="None" TabIndex="-1">

                                <td align="right">
                                <td align="left">
                        <table style="width: 100%; text-align: center">
                                   <%-- <asp:Button ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" CausesValidation="True" CommandName="Insert"
                                        Text="Save" OnClick="InsertButton_Click" ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry"
                                        TabIndex="18" />
                                    <asp:Button ID="LinkButton2" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel"
                                        Text="Cancel" TabIndex="19" />--%>
                                <td style="text-align: left">
                                    <asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValSummary_Insert" runat="server" ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry"
                                        Font-Size="Small" HeaderText="New Record Cannot Be Saved Due To The Following:" />
                        <table style="width: 100%; text-align: center" border="0">
                                <td colspan="2">
                                <td colspan="2">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lblMouseOver" runat="server" Text="Tip:&nbsp;&nbsp;Hover Mouse Over Any Field Label for Tool Tips / Field Definitions"
                                        ToolTip="How To Work ToolTips" Font-Italic="True" ForeColor="#525252">
                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lbl_WorkDate" runat="server" Text="Work Date" ToolTip="Date of Work Performed">
                                <td align="left">
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtbox_WorkDate" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("WorkDate") %>' value='<%# DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() %>' ControlToValidate="txtbox_WorkDate">
                                    <asp:CalendarExtender ID="CalExt_WorkDate" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtbox_WorkDate"

                                <asp:RangeValidator ID="rangeVal_WorkDate" Type="Date" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtbox_WorkDate"
                                        ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry" ErrorMessage="WorkDate -- Date Entered Must Be Valid Format and in Range of Current Date to 90 Days Earlier."
                                        MinimumValue='<%# DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90).ToShortDateString() %>' MaximumValue="<%# DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() %> "
                                        Font-Names="tahoma" Font-Size="11px" Text="-- Date Range or Date Format Error"
                                        Display="Dynamic" />
                                    <asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" 
                                    ErrorMessage="Can Not add tasks for this date. Use Edit(ocp020) page" 

                                <td colspan="2">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lbl_WorkDateInstr" runat="server" Text="Allowable WorkDates range from Today's Date to 90 Days Earlier."
                                        ForeColor='#484641' Font-Italic="True">

                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label31a" runat="server" 
                                    Text="Total Time" 
                                    ToolTip="The total amount of time worked so far for this WorkDate"></asp:Label>
                                <td align="left">
                                     <asp:TextBox ID="tbTotalTimeSpent" runat="server"
                                    Text='<%# Bind("TotalTimeSpent") %>'

                                    &nbsp; &nbsp;
                                <td align="right">
                                <td align="left">
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_Claims" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Claims") %>' value='<%#0%>'
                                <td align="left">
                                    <asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ClaimsMod") %>' value='<%#0%>'></asp:Label>
                                    <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="reqfldVAL_Claims" ControlToValidate="TextBox_Claims"
                                        ErrorMessage="Claims Field CANNOT BE EMPTY. Input 0 or Valid Number." ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry"
                                        Display="Dynamic" runat="server">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
                                    <asp:CompareValidator ID="cmprVAL_Claims" ControlToValidate="TextBox_Claims" Operator="DataTypeCheck"
                                        Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Claims Field Must Have a VALID NUMBER OR ZERO."
                                        ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry" runat="server" Type="Integer">*</asp:CompareValidator>
                                <td align="right">
                                    <asp:Label ID="lbl_Comments" runat="server" Text="Comments" ToolTip="Comments of Any Sort"></asp:Label>
                                <td align="left" colspan="2">
                                    <asp:TextBox ID="Comments_TextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Comments") %>'></asp:TextBox>
                        <table style="width: 100%; text-align: center">
<%--                                    <asp:Button ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" CausesValidation="True" CommandName="Insert"
                                        Text="Save" OnClick="InsertButton_Click" ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry" UseSubmitBehavior="True" />
                                    <asp:Button ID="LinkButton2" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel"
                                        Text="Cancel" TabIndex="19" />--%>

                                <td style="text-align: left">
                                    <asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValSummary_Insert" runat="server" ValidationGroup="ValGroup_StatEntry"
                                        Font-Size="Small" HeaderText="New Record Cannot Be Saved Due To The Following:" />

        <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource_FV_ProdEntry" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MRATracker_ConnectionString %>"
        InsertCommand="usp_MRAPIT_UNI_ProdInfo_RowAdd_Cdr" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure"
           <asp:Parameter Direction="ReturnValue"               Name="RETURN_VALUE" Type="Int32" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbUser"             Name="UserID"       Type="String" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView_ProdEntry" Name="WorkDate"     Type="datetime" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView_ProdEntry" Name="Role"         Type="string" DefaultValue="Coder" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtTotalTimeSpent"  Name="TotalTimeSpent" Type="String" Size="8" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView_ProdEntry" Name="Claims"       Type="Int32" />
           <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView_ProdEntry" Name="Comments"     Type="string" />

  Protected Sub btnTimeOut_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        'Handles btnTimeOut.Click
        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Page.GetType, "Script", "Read_Data2('No');", True)
        'MAH 9-27-2016 Remove Save Cnc button from FV and Insert via this button
        'Insert formview data via this button
        FormView_ProdEntry.DefaultMode = FormViewMode.Insert

            MsgLabel.Text = ""
        Catch ex As HttpException

            MsgLabel.Text = "The FormView control must be in insert mode to insert a record."

        End Try

    End Sub

Chrome browser http links on a secure page taking to https domain

We have recently secured a web application with certificates so as to use https. Let us call this WebApp-A. This WebApp-A runs on port 8081. There is another server running at port 8744 on the same box which does not use https. Let us call this WebApp-B. A page on WebApp-A has links to pages on WebApp-B. The links that point to WebApp-B on WebApp-A page start with http and not https as expected. Note that domain for the both are same except the port number. Now the problem we are facing is, when a user clicks on a WebApp-B link on the WebApp-A page, which uses https, it takes to a https url for WebApp-B too, despite source showing the url to start with http. This behavior is seen on Chrome and Firefox, but not on IE. The behavior is inconsistent too. Sometimes it takes to https and sometimes to http. Things work when the URL goes to http but not when it goes to https. Can someone explain this inconsistency?

Use Facebook and LinkedIn API together

In my website I want to enable Facebook and LinkedIn sign in. I want to get from each account the friends and the connections of the user.

Is there a way to enable the user to login into one of his accounts and then check on the other social network to see who are his friends (if he does have an account in this website)? Or even a simpler way of you've got any idea

Web : Record webcam and send it to a remote server

I need to allow my website users to record short clip (audio and video, less than 1 min) from their webcam and send it directly on my remote hosted server. I read a lot about webRtc, html5 implementation etc, but i need a solution working on all recents browsers (IE and safari included...) and on all plateform (windows, OSX ). Do i necessary need to develop 2 solutions, one with html5 support, and if not available, a fallback with a flash plugin or there is an existing solution (free would be great) which already handle it for us ? I've read about addpipe, which sounds good but they stopped their videos records support.

download spesific file in url using php/python

I previously used to use linux terminal for downloading files with certain extensions, but now I was assigned by my lecturer to do the same thing but do not use linux terminal but using php or python, is there who can help ?

wget -r -A Ext URL

two submit buttons conflict

I have two submit buttons in my form with different names. And i have validation (jquery.validate).

When i don't fill all fields and press second submit buttons the form doesn't submit - so i fill necessary fields and click the first submit button. And i get two fields in post - first and second buttons.

What's the reason of such behaviour? I expect sending only first button in post, because i click on it. More than, if i click first button straight without clicking second, there is only first button in post.

Hope you answer my question.

Regarfs, Nikolay

How to insert correct link in TWebBrowser?

I have a HTML page (MyFile.html) located in c:\SiteRoot\MyFile.html. I want to insert a link to it using:

Doc.execCommand('createlink', true, 0);

Since MyFile.html is directly in the root of the site, the HTML code for the link should be:

<a href="MyFile.html">Link</a>

However, there are three problems:

  1. The code above will insert 'Windows' paths:


instead of


  1. The second issue you probably spoted already: it inserts the full path including 'C:' instead of inserting paths relative to site root (so, the link should simply be href="MyFile.html").

I got rid of both problems above by replacing the default 'Link editor' window with my own. I build the HTML code on my own and insert the code in TWebBrowser and using:

procedure THTMLEdit.InsertHtml(HTMLCode: string);   
  Doc: IHTMLDocument2;
  iSelection: IHTMLSelectionObject;
  iRange: IHTMLTxtRange;
  Doc := wbBrowser.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
  iSelection := Doc.selection as IHTMLSelectionObject;
  iRange := iSelection.createRange() as IHTMLTxtRange;

However, this is where the third problem appears. The string that I pass to this procedure is <a href="MyFile.html">Link</a> but in the resulted HTML I get: <A href="file:///C:/MyFile.html">Link</A>

How to stop TWebBrowser from inserting 'file:///C:/' ?

what language web version whatsapp used for voice recording?

In ther web version of whatsapp there is a functionality of voice recording, what frontend/backend language is used to implement that function?

deep web , need help which method is safer

i want to start browsing on the deep web and i have a mac i don't know if i should set it up through virtual box or bootable USB, which will be safer , i want to install Kali-Linux and start up tor on that. if there is a better way can you please help and what vpn services that are free can i use on Linux,if i do start it by virtual box is there advanced ways where there is no way they can track me,how do i close all the bridge methods ? or bootable USB there alternatavie ways which i can approach this situation if there is please help.

Should I host my site in China?

I’m having an issue. My clients are mostly from China and they keep complaining that the website is slow. Should I try to host my web in China? I know there are few options like China Hoster or others. What are my options? I am mostly looking for cheap options

Thanks, Ovidiu

How to call a SOAP web service from an Android mobile application

From the past few days, I have been working on an Android code to call distant web service. I am using ksoap libraries for Android to call my SOAP web service. However, I feel there is something wrong in my code as the response I get when I call the web service from my app "Error calling WS". I tried debugging my Android code but I am still not able to solve my problem. Please can someone tell me what's wrong ? to call my WS i send 3 params (CountryCode, ApplicationCode and ApplicationID) Here is my Android code I have implemented till now :


package com.hp.hpsupport.fragments;

import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.hp.hpsupport.R;
import com.hp.hpsupport.model.Credential;

import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapSerializationEnvelope;
import org.ksoap2.transport.HttpTransportSE;


public class MyDevices extends Fragment {

    private final String NAMESPACE = "";
    private final String URL = "";
    private final String SOAP_ACTION = "tns:IWCFGNAgreementServicev1/IWCFGNAgreementService/GetAgreementServiceCatalog";
    private final String METHOD_NAME = "GetAgreementServiceCatalog";

    private String TAG = "PGGURU";

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_my_devices, null);

    public void onViewCreated(final View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);

        view.findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

                EditText countryCode = (EditText) view.findViewById(;
                EditText applicationCode = (EditText) view.findViewById(;
                EditText applicationID = (EditText) view.findViewById(;

                new AsyncCallWS().execute(countryCode.getText().toString(),applicationCode.getText().toString(),applicationID.getText().toString());


    private class AsyncCallWS extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
        protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
            Log.i(TAG, "doInBackground");
            return GetAgreementServiceCatalog(params[0], params[1], params[2]);

        protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
            Log.i(TAG, "onPostExecute");
            Toast.makeText(getActivity(), result, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

        protected void onPreExecute() {
            Log.i(TAG, "onPreExecute");

        protected void onProgressUpdate(Void... values) {
            Log.i(TAG, "onProgressUpdate");

        // appel webservice soap
        public String GetAgreementServiceCatalog(String countryCode,String applicationCode,String applicationID) {
            //Create request
            SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
            //Property which holds input parameters
            PropertyInfo tns = new PropertyInfo();

            tns = new PropertyInfo();

            //Property which holds input parameters
            tns = new PropertyInfo();

            Credential cred = new Credential();
            cred.ApplicationCode = applicationCode;
            cred.ApplicationID = applicationID;

            // tns.setElementType(PropertyInfo.OBJECT_TYPE);
            // request.addProperty(tns);

            //Create envelope
            SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(
            envelope.dotNet = true;
            //Set output SOAP object
            //Create HTTP call object
            HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);

            try {
                //Invole web service
      , envelope);
                //Get the response
                SoapObject response = (SoapObject) envelope.getResponse();
                //return country
                SoapObject so = (SoapObject) response.getPrimitiveProperty("UsageServices");
                return so.getPrimitivePropertyAsString("Description");
                //return Successful
                //return response.getPrimitivePropertyAsString("ReturnText");

            } catch (Exception e) {

            return "Error calling WS";

===> And my XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"

        android:text="Get Catalog SF"
        android:textSize="30dp" />

        android:layout_alignParentEnd="true" />

        android:layout_alignParentEnd="true" />

        android:layout_alignParentEnd="true" />

        android:text="Get Catalog"
        android:layout_alignStart="@+id/textView" />

How to make a bitcoin payment?

I am working on a web site where I need to inject the ability of sending the payment with the bitcoins. Please advise how can I implement this functionality or whether there is a free and reliable module I could use for such the purpose?

Excel VBA: Extract Image Src attribute from HTML as string

I am trying to scrape my employers website to extract images from their Blog post en mass. I have started creating a scraping tool in Excel using VBA.

(We don't have access to the SQL database)

I have setup a work sheet that contains a list of post identifiers in column A and the URL of the post in column B.

My VBA script so far runs through the list of URL's in column B extracts the HTML from a Tag on the page by ID, using getElementById and pastes the resulting output as a string into column C.

I am now at the point where I am trying to figure out how to extract the src attribute from every image in the resulting output and paste it into the relevant columns. I can't for the life of me come up with an easy solution. I am not very familiar with RegEx and am struggling with Excel's built in string functions.

The end game is to get the macro to run through each image URL and save the image to disk with a filename format like "{Event No.}-{Image Number}".jpg

Any help would be much appreciated.

Worksheet setup

Sub Get_Image_SRC()

Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim url As String
Dim IE As Object
Dim objElement As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
Dim Elements As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim Element As IHTMLElement

Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Ctrl + Shift + End
LastRow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
For i = 2 To LastRow
    url = Cells(i, "C").Value
    MsgBox (url)
    IE.navigate url
    Application.StatusBar = url & " is loading..."
    Do While IE.readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
    Do Until IE.readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
    Application.StatusBar = url & " Loaded"
    If Cells(i, "B").Value = "WEBNEWS" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = IE.document.getElementById("NewsDetail").outerHTML
        Cells(i, "D").Value = IE.document.getElementById("ReviewContainer").outerHTML
    End If

Next i

Set IE = Nothing
Set objElement = Nothing
Set objCollection = Nothing

End Sub

Example resulting HTML:

<div id=""NewsDetail""><div class=""NewsDetailTitle"">Video: Race Face Behind the Scenes Tour</div><div class=""NewsDetailImage""><img alt=""HeadlinesThumbnail.jpg"" src=""/ImageHandler/6190/515/1000/0/""></div>    <div class=""NewsDetailBody"">Pinkbike posted this video a while ago, if you missed it, its' definitely worth a watch. 

Ken from Camp of Champions took a look at their New Westminster factory last year which gives a look at the production, people and culture of Race Face. The staff at Race Face are truly their greatest asset they had, best wishes to everyone!

<p><center><object width=""500"" height=""281""><param name=""allowFullScreen"" value=""true""><param name=""AllowScriptAccess"" value=""always""><param name=""movie"" value=""""><embed width=""500"" height=""281"" src="""" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash"" allowscriptaccess=""always"" allowfullscreen=""true""></object></center><p></p>

</div><div class=""NewsDate"">Published Friday, 25 November 2011</div></div>"

My current references

How to check which fonts are loaded but not used on a website?

Ok, so suppose I have downloaded a whole font family with additional CSS file where all styles of a given font are loaded. Like Bold, Thin, etc. But I only use some of those in my CSS, not all.

Is there an easy way to check which ones are not used so that I delete corresponding @font-face declarations and the user won't have to download them?

Call unity app from external service

I have an android app, what i want to do, is send messages from the android app to an external unity app and have the unity app do some nice things with it.

As a webdeveloper, i was thinking i could make the unity app run on a webserver, making an api within the unity app, then just send a call to the api and let the api process the data to the unity app.

The problem is, i can not find anything online on how that would be possible.

Any suggestions/tips and help are very welcome!

Also, i should note that my experience with unity and c# is minimum.

mardi 27 septembre 2016

Create an aspx page from a C# code

Let's say a user uploads a specific file to the site, and the file name is test.png, I want the site to create a page called test.png.aspx which will contain the photoand other info, how would I be able to do that from the C# code itself? Was scanning google for an hour and could not find anything.

Text spacing incorrect on mobile - desktop and smaller window sizes are fine

I'm not great at coding - I can customize existing stuff but I'm having a lot of trouble correcting the logo/header on my page. It's just text that says "craigknelson" on the top left of the page.

It works perfectly fine on desktop when sizing a browser window down, but when viewed on mobile it stretches the text, and thus stretches the width of my entire window.

Is this a CSS issue with my text spacing?

Restricting concurrent http request access in Spring based application

I need to restrict multiple access to a single functionality or http request or method using Spring MVC or any spring technologies.

For example, I have a movie booking system, where in I need to restrict simultaneous booking of a particular seat.So If a particular user opts for particular seat in a movie and checks out, and if another user opts for a same seat I need to inform second user that its already filled.

I am thinking to use JMS in a synchronous manner.But not sure whether its a good approach or any other simpler ways to implement the functionality.

If we are using JMS then, do we need generate one queue for each movie or single queue is sufficient for whole application.

Any thoughts on this will be greatly helpful.

How to web(ASP.NET) or HTML(JS) execute client exe program(MFC) without ActiveX and ActiveXObject

I want to exeute exe program(MFC) from web page(ASP.NET) without ActiveX and ActiveXObject and Download style.

I want anything methods Java script code or ASP.NET code.

I current work to remove ActiveX.

and next work to web page and exe program message(string) or method communication.

Please help me....T_T

How to make left div fixed as it reaches its end until the right bigger div finishes

I have 2 parallel divs, when page is scrolled and a specific div reaches its end I need to stop it from scrolling but continue scrolling for the other div. For better example see this website left Div How it Sticks